Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A Decade of Fun & Adventure

As I started this decade; I will end it in similar fashion; seeing Phish for New Year's Eve. Though this time instead of being sorrounded by patchouli and BO in a field on an Indian reservation it will be in Madison Square Garden.

When this decade started I was a young whipper snapper with wide eyes heading off on adventures pursuing a life of youthful exuberance. Now much the same just three decades into life and enjoying the ride.

A friend of mine asked me the other day what would I tell my former younger self.  I really had to think about this. My whole life has been quite fun and interesting, and I think I've learned a lot. Though maybe this is self-sexest talk, but I don't feel my basic make-up changed since about 16. Music, hockey, the ladies, food, drink, basically good times with good people (not necessarily in that order). Just more responsibility and "big boy" pants. But let's focus on just this past decade.

I've spent more money on concerts (the list is long but distinguished) and sporting events (mainly hockey and college football) than I would care to admit.  But the experience and the good times far out-weigh the cost of going to a festival like Rothbury or seeing the John Butler Trio in a small venue.

I ride a motorcycle and have traveled out of state on it. Next year my father and I are planning a trip; just the two of us guys.

I've loved and lost; and have opened myself up again.  Truly I've gone through this and I am hopefully better person for it.

I really try and be the best me possible; sometimes the best me is a cocky SOB < ::leads to friends throwing dumbells down in your living room and storming out::  Yet, I can control only my actions and so my reputation is quite a positive one when I do check in on it. 

As far as shit my dad actually says "that'll build character" and "be excellent" (yes he liked Bill and Ted like the rest of us).Though at one time I did have in my posession 3 copies of "Bio Dome" (that's for another time).

I'm a pretty lucky and blessed guy (with a hint of boyish charm). So what would I tell me you ask? After much talk with my friend and mulling over the bad, good, and great that I've experienced (because let's face it life can be pretty tough and yet still so fulfilling), this is what I would say:

"Keep doing what you love, keep finding passion in whatever you do. You're going to be just fine. Maybe bumped, bruised, and scraped, but you're going to enjoy yourself."

So now I ask any and all who happen upon this post: "What would you tell your former self of a decade ago?"